What if you produced your own energy and were able to use it directly or whenever and wherever you need it?
This is no longer a dream, but is now available at äwz.
How does it work?
- Your PV will produce electricity.
- You will use electricity directly in real-time.
- The surplus will be fed into the grid. In return, you get ELC.
- Whenever and wherever you need electricity, you can trade ELC into electricity - either in your house, your holiday domicile or any paid charging station (public electric vehicle stations or public smartphone charging stations).
- Once your balance is zero, the electricity you consume will be from the grid.
How can I join?
- Being a prosumer
- Register online
- Receive the required smart meters in your mailbox
- Make appointment with äwz customer service to Connect the smart meters to your house and activate them (done by äwz)
- All done!